Dirty Dancing Mama!

As I sit here excited to start my first blog, I’m faced with the frustration of choosing a domain name. What I thought would be an easy task, a pebble in the road to become a “Mommy Blogger”, turned out to be quite the stepping stone.
I’m very much a perfectionist and believe that a name is as important as a location when trying to be successful in any kind of industry. I’m also a bit bossy, okay I’m a lot bossy! So when I decided to start a blog it was mainly for the reason to help “educate” pregnant women about certain aspects concerning birth to help ease the stress of the day for both mom and baby.
Sounds like a good idea right? But then the Pinky & the Brain in me took over and I thought, why stick to one subject when I can…TAKE OVER THE WORLD?
I decided that I cannot choose a theme for my blog as I have lots to say, in many different areas. Being very inspired by http://www.momtrepreneur.co.za I found that I didn’t have to stick to a single theme or two and that the web was open to all my self proclaimed “knowledge”. Once again, the world was mine for the taken.
And that’s how I got to the wonderful journey of choosing a domain…yeah right. After a brainstorming session with hubby, WE decided that I felt very passionate about the fact that I’m more than a mom. That all mothers are more than just mothers, we’re wives, friends, career women, keyword being WOMEN, we’re WOMEN! When you look past all the baby puke and dirty diaper smells, there’s still a ME inside here!
So I have it! My domain name will be something to do with Moms being more than moms…
My initial thoughts were, “More Than a Mom”-taken, “Not just a Mom”-taken, okay how about “Not just a Mommy”?-taken, “More Than a Mother”-taken! After spending almost two hours trying to find some form of my ideal domain name I gave up.
Being a dance studio owner and a great lover of the art, I defaulted back to what I’M all about…DANCING!
Since I wanted something that would express that we’re more than just mothers…I figured why not start with me? I’m a mother, and definitely one with skills I don’t want the world to overlook.
I love my family to bits, but there’s more to me. I’m a teacher, a business woman, a dancer…I’m a Dirty Dancing Mama!


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